Habits of Democratic Leaders

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These are all habits of mind that we're least aware of. By embracing them one by one, you will become an inspiring, authentic, and empowering leader who creates democratic spaces wherever you go. They are written in the order I would build them.


1. Daily Reflection Take time each day to review your actions, decisions, and their impact on others. This is your personal self-correcting mechanism that allows you to hold yourself accountable and compare your values (ideal self) to your actions (enacted self). It's your personal democracy!

2. Connect with Purpose Before each project or meeting, ask yourself how it aligns with your purpose. This helps you stay true to your values and continuously refine your purpose. When you consistently articulate your purpose and align your life choices with it, you'll create a more focused and meaningful life. Anchored in purpose, the seductions of power and corruption will naturally subside.

3. Mental Hygiene
Yes, its a habit! Its not just about a long vacation time, its about incorporating daily or weekly mental health habit to make you more resilient. Meditation, walks, working out, reflection, … This will stabilize you and make you more emotional available.

4. Lead with Curiosity Usual habit is to lash out ir retreat if something or someone is triggering you (fight or flight). Maybe someone said something that is offensive to you in a meeting. New habit is to pause, and engage with curiosity - ask a question such as “Tell me more” or “What led you to that idea or conclusion”. Listen and understand before you react. This will make you way more strategic and effective. When people are listened to, they are ready to listen to you too.

5. Stay Present Focus fully on the current moment and the people around you. This helps you listen better, understand deeper, and make wiser decisions. This is a habit of focus - listening to understand instead listening to respond.

6. Build Trust See people as individuals first, before their roles or actions. Take time to understand their perspectives and build genuine connections. Each time you meet someone or start a meeting, take time to ask people about their journey and their story: "How did you end up doing this work?" "What led you to become...?" And share your story too!

7. Include Everyone Actively notice who's participating and who isn't in conversations. Make space for quiet voices and protect those who express different opinions. But you can do this only if you have curiosity mindset and are fully present.